Tag Archives: creative


How to take a Mexican out at -29°C

Week 1
Joensuu, Finland

Last week was VERY cold. Always when temperature are below -20 is very cold and last Thursday (7.1.) was not an exception. Thus, my inner desire is to keep myself indoors.  However there is something that moved me to go out at -29°C, and that is: to make bubbles!


Have you seen these bubbles:

Last year I didn’t manage to make ice-bubbles. When the weather was TOO cold,  I completely forgot about ice-bubbles.  When it was warming up (-15°C)  I made my bubble soap and wait for the coldness to return, but it did not, we were heading to spring 🙂 (no complains neither!)

This time I was fighting with myself to go out and get  “fresh” air. But then I saw the bubble soap, and I said: “Yes, let’s out” and I did.

Here is the proof:

Blowing bubbles

Blowing bubbles


I got some bubble coming out. It was DIFFICULT. I need to re-design my bubble wand, no the best at the moment. But I managed to blow some bubbles. But it was dark and window, so very difficult to follow them….

Bubble flying

Bubble flying

However, I will persist……

This was the first attempt!!!! 🙂








week 8 of 2011
Joensuu, Finland

Writing… writing…. and believe it or not, it can help to discover wonders  😉  as the new approaches to use rubik. Yes, pieces of art-work this article from Web-Urbanist offers a a good overview.

Also I found one company which re-contextualize common objects as the rubik:  cubeworks.  For me an inspirational company. Wondering if they play each on of the rubik to get the color configuration that they need.

Rubik art

Rubik art

Image source here

ideas in advertisement.

Without being a fan of any brand, I confess in each football world championship and Olympic Games, coca-cola and pepsi have very ingenious ads. The creative people of diapers and some odorants as axel, for my taste are very good as well.

I LOVE ideas and creativity!!!!!

The following ad is the first one I see from the next football cup, and it made me smile.  Perhaps others will smile too, here it goes:

dreams come true: never let go!

Before I went to Africa I saw two videos from TED (I am a BIG fan of TED), which have a special influence in my process towards Iringa. Actually they re-enforce some of my inner energy, I admit.

One of those videos is this one: “William Kamkwamba: How I harnessed the wind”

He shows the clear relationship between “want to do it” and “can do it”. Believe in one-self and persistence are KEY elements in any success.

Also it gives me the reminder of the importance of print material, clear diagrams and figures can transcend culture and time.

Let you enjoy the video.