Tags / Labels
(genres – books & films)
- Historical Fiction. It refers to a fictional story that takes place during a historical time with real and/or invented characters.
- Mystery. It denotes to a story full of suspense and puzzles that are not reveal until the end of the narrative.
- Fantasy. It refers to stories that involve elements that are impossible in our real life such as posses certain magical powers, talking with rocks or bees.
- Comedy. It denotes that the production involves jokes intended to make an audience to laugh.
- Crime. It deals with crimes, their detention, criminals, and their motives. *
- Non-Fiction. Information based on true facts.
- romance
- drama
- adventure
- action
- dystopia
- sci-fi
(genres – games)
- agon
- alea
- mimicry
- ilinx
- First person shooting. In games refers to a story in which the player see the action as s/he was the main character, and most of the game requieres the player to utilize a rifle or other weapons.
(world regions and countries)
- west, east, lantinamerica…
- mexico, korea, finland, tanzania, germany, canada, usa….
(field of study)
- game design, game research, psychology, mobile learning, computer science, art, storytelling, ICT4D, methodology, history, ….
(type of media)
Refers that a specific type of media is involved in the post or make reference to a link with specific type of media.
- video, photos, audio, words, animation, music, film,…
- playing. Talking of playing something
- learning. Something I learn there.
- teaching. It is a lecture of someone involve.
- reflecting on. Focus mainly on my reflections during my PhD journey.
- reading.
- writing.
- travelling. Involves information or views as a turist.
- cooperating. Showing some cooperation, collaboration and sharing.
- considering. I think about and take action.
- organizing.
- wishing. Expressing some wishes
- thinking.* Process of understanding
- harvesting
- discovering
- Politics, inspirational, creative, school, university, mac, games, animals, virtual reality, second life, mobile, health, interaction, tablet, quiz, entrepreneur, innovation, business, memoirs, context, crisis, gamification**…
- magic, tablet,
added genres and group genre-books with genre-films in 21.6.15
added activity: harvesting 12.12.12
added genre-games: agon, alea mimicry, ilinx 2.12.12
added genre-films: war, romance, drama 12.08.12
definition of keywords in 4.Feb.2012;
**added in 12.Feb.2012;
*added in 8.Feb.2012;