
week 12 of 2011
Joensuu, Finland

Writing, writing and more writing….

for that I need to review some of my basics in Activity Theory (AT). So, this is the third time I read the EXCELLENT book from Kaptelinin & Nardi, and still I am processing it. Their book, for me, is comprehensive and it has helped me to bring together my understanding of AT from the perspective of interaction design. Another author that I enjoy deeply to read regarding AT is Prof. Yrjö  Engeström. However, I am slower digesting his message, even though I learn a lot from his lines. Sometimes when I am reading, specially with “scientific” stuff,  or when I go to the library I have imagine how fantastic would be to listen to them explaining their ideas, dreams and experiences. To interact with them as friends, which ones are their personalities, how they deal with problems and how their dreams fulfills them. Each person is a whole interesting collection of volumes in different topics.  I guess all of us have experienced that great feeling when someone, who has more experience than us, offers us quality of time and narrates us something so that involves actively on the topic. So many ideas and knowledge are enclosed everywhere….


Acting with Technology

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