From this Summer School , I reaffirm a no novelty question from my own reflection: can it be the case that one of the deep meanings of a PhD is to learn to argue?
Key elements that might help to reach that goal (meaning) are:
1) Clear thinking
2) Keep it simple
Tons of critical reading will (might) help on this process as well 😉
But I go back to the lecture now.
Have also others observed that the post on this blog start to be shorter a somehow more compact? Shall I even say clear!? 🙂
hey Roman!
Thank you and I feel honor by your comment 😉
but still a way to go 😉
I have to admit that I was rather surprised of the length of this post!
She don’t have no more time for twittering about.
hehehehe!!!! You got the pot puppy!. You are complete right in this one 🙂
However, that triggers a paradoxical thought (at least in me). Once I read from Henry Jenkis, that because he does not have time he can’t write briefly in his blog.
Right now I am quite busy, hence it pushes me to be brief. If that is correct, then it may imply that I had been expressing myself with a lot of unimportant information around of what it is important….. no further comments! ;P
That was allegedly Mark Twain who wrote a hell of a long letter to a friend, and apologized for not having the time for writing shortly 🙂 (though some say it was Pascal, some say it was Voltaire, and some say it was Goethe)
this is turning interesting. Then, can it be that impulsive writing will be long by defult? It starts wider and less deeper, however through that process, when you get time, you might get deeper at some point.
Get a sip of water before submitting anything: a sentence spoken out loud, a post on a blog, a paper 🙂