my actual phd student pray

I am thankful to have corrections, because it means someone is reading carefully my work and s/he is helping me to improve. I am blessing for that, and I hope to continue on this track. Thank you!

Please, provide to my supervisors and readers TONS (in an exponential sense) of patience and guidance.

Keep my ears and mind open; my emotions calm and cool to understand the suggestions of improvement. Offer me the wisdom on how to RE-WRITE sentences, paragraphs and chapters when I realize I am not able to transmit the message.

god of the words,
god of the clarity,
please remember to illuminate this phd student (aka me)?


image source: here

1 thought on “my actual phd student pray

  1. cislas Post author

    it worked!
    maybe it was to give vent to my feelings, but writing start to flow!

    I will keep on going, but needed to express this too.

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