
While digitalizing some videos, which sometimes contain really slow parts, then I have to do something in parallel, something that still lets my attention on the digitalization. Then I am fixing my browser’s bookmarks.


Let me tell you how it works. I have my normal classification folders, which are mostly ok. BUT it exists one folder call new, that means when I am in a hurry to shut down my machine, and I can’t decide if I should keep that link or not, or if I keep it where should go?. For these cases is the section of “NEW” is a TEMPORAL folder for further decision, as a buffer.

But in 5 years more less (according to the historical records on that buffer) I haven’t really classify anything. OH GOD! That is a work, a complete personal digital archeology (which of course is not finished). However, it has been interesting to observe my different search focuses on diverse periods of time. And some links I am happy to find 😉

This work is still in process, but how much trash a human being can collect in its life span, or at least me even that I try to do not collect that much, I fail on that quiet often. And now a days not only physically also digitally!

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