D18/16 – Time

Week 8, 2018
Turku, Finland

In anyway  I am claiming that today I discover time, instead, I have been aware of its existence and importance since long.  Instead, I do claim that to be aware might have different levels of intensity.  Meaning there are different levels to be aware of something.

Today, the intensity level of my awareness about time increased +1.   This increased, thanks god, came by reflecting upon my dreams. Meaning, everything is fine with me and my surroundings (thanks life!).  I mention this because often we realize about time when someone dies, or when we have a loss. We realize how important is to live and time is a very scarce resource we have.  

This +1 level of awareness about time came, as I said, when reflecting upon my dreams. I am very fortunate, as some of my dreams have been reached.  Others are on the made, and some, unfortunately will be for another life.

One BIG dream was to get my PhD. The dream was conquered thanks to many people surround me. At the same time, after getting that dream I was extremely exhausted.  I was burn out, and confused of what to do next. It was, honestly, a demanding task for me, to aim to achieve this dream/goal; and afterwards,  I was lost. I needed to re-connect to myself. Listen again to my inner voice.  Re-connect hast taken me a human eternity of 5 years and 6 months (approximately).

Today I can’t say I am fully recovered. However, I can state: I feel more reconnected than 5 years and 6 months ago. Energy is coming back, as well as dreams.  It was dreadful no idea what to do next, I mean of course is the academic career and follow the “traditional” paths, but how to do it if you are not connected with your heart in all these.

Now, for me, life is about learning. I am blessed because within this time I have had INCREDIBLE experiences, that without them I wouldn’t have re-connected.  As I am thankful, also I am aware that time is passing by so quickly and I had already “lost ” 5 years and 6 months.  Many dreams are popping, and now, I need to prioritize as I have less years of life left…..

Thus, my awareness about time has increased by +1, unquestionably!

— cais