summary of april

Week 17, 2012
Joensuu, Finland

Much has happened since the last time I posted. Five highlights will give an idea of life events:

  •  I read and graded over 250 essays =  WOW!

A big work and huge learning experience too, I confess.

  • I got my first pre-examinator’s feedback

Even Erkki called me from Mozambique to help me to digest the good news. Honestly, still I cannot believe how good the feedback is.  WOW!

  •  I was at the role-playing seminar and a huge nordic role-playing event.

That was a learning experience, and as always when I am with people from game studies I finish EXHAUSTED!

  •  I got sick

Started in Wednesday April 11th  :/  Last week was the worst week in a long time: constant fever, coughing, headaches, running nose, lost my voice, sore throat.   Yes, I am in quarantine. *sight*

  • We got the winners from the world-wide short film competition

Invite you to see the videos 😉


and, there is more but I must start writing proper posts again.

Meanwhile, focusing on getting well!


árbol de la vida

árbol de la vida

Source photo: árbol de la vida (tree of life) 

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