stop the world, I want to get down!

Somedays ago I was seeking eagerly for this quote. It is given by  Mafalda . Finally  I found it, as well as several of her quotes and comics. She is fantastic!!!.

I read her as a child. Now  it amazes me how she is so up to date in her reflections. From the quote I was seeking, she uses it while referring to our world (look the video below). On my side, I am in a lower level, because I get frozen each time I update myself with the “world” news 🙁 . I am slow in processing in comparison with all the speed of events and information about everything that it is displaying constantly. Right now, it was an emergency to go to my basics: learn to do not overwhelm myself living and enjoying day by day, and working step by step towards a goal or a dream. That is hard job by itself and more with all my chaos! But getting there 🙂

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