Daily Archives: January 27, 2017

Current present into: “World Politics”

Week 4
Joensuu, Finland

My Thursday’s night 26.1.2017 was full of internet reading due to the last orders of the new USA president at that particular moment. The topics there are being discussed at the moment are relevant for me because I am a female who loves science, enjoys traveling, believes in cooperation and collaboration, thinks that everybody should have a minimum right of shelter, health and education, believes in freedom and I am an immigrant. Additionally, I am proud to say that my “heimat” is Mexico.

So, I was reading this analysis of this column El viaje es una trampa, when suddenly, as if I was  watching a film everything changed because I got the article  el primer mandatario que dice no. The international press was also writing about the current conversation between two neighbor countries, for example in the  bbc and euronews.

I felt I needed to say something and I needed to digest, so I only could say this in my  forgotten FB’s wall:

We are transforming our “real world” in an INTENSE rollercoaster.
It is time to play wisely.
Wish to be listening more to historians and chess players. They are needed!

The new president of the USA is making us think, which in itself is a good thing. We were given a lot for granted lately.  The wall between USA and Mex already exist, the interesting fact is to reflect upon his approach to divide which imho might be short sighted. Yes, for Mexico USA is an important customer, but also for USA Mexico is the second important customer after China. The following infographic is quite interesting in terms on how USA could be affected if the borders are changed without thinking.

The topic of the wall is short sighted as there are all the topics I have heard so far, but ok, one has to respect. However what happen when topics actual relate to all humans on earth as:

a) Denied human influence into climate change

b) Forbid the communication between researchers and laypeople. (note here and here)

Time to think and ACT!

This reminds me, I remember, some years ago at a seminar in Tampere, were one of the papers we were discussing was about LARPs. For me, it is a difficult to get into the LARP world, real life is very immersive for me. I am not a larper, it is a fact.

However now I wouldn’t mind “playing” on a futuristic “LARP” where different scenarios can be created of our current rollercoaster.

Let’s  keep constructing our future,

— cais

PS.  Historians, where are you? We need you! Please remind us several things from our human past to be able to see the future.


We are learning Finnish – Me opimme suomea — 002

Week 4
Joensuu, Finland

Koli’s story (presented in October) serves its goal to make me practice Finnish. In addition, I have shown it a couple of time, and it seems other like it too.  🙂  So, I hope it helps!

Now it is time for the second story. This second story has vocabulary related to a hairdresser. This is not such a good story, but it has a lot of vocabulary that I know I need.

SIDE NOTE:  A personal goal is to be able to interact in Finnish in this 2017, thus I need to look for different support sources, To guide me on the language structure, I use an “old” book of mine entitle: “From Start to Finnish” by Leila White. I am NOT starting from zero. At the moment I am in Unit 5. Thus some exercises on my story are related to that particular unit.

To see the story on a full screen click here.

*** Vocabulary:
Leikata -to cut, to trim
Tarvitsen — I need something
Minun pitää — I need to (do something)
Lyhentää — to cut (hair )
Johdatus — introduction
varten — for
nopea — fast
käynti — visit
suositella — to recommend
usein — often
ennen — before
etukäteen — before hand
tapaaminen — appointment
lyhyt — short
halula – to want
vaalea — blond
Käyttää — to use

And the negative conjugation.