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books in your professional life

Week 3, 2012
Joensuu, Finland

My memories tell me that I always have liked books. However, books for study are another issue. In my first semester on my first University (yes I have been in several of them 🙂 )  my Dad did something I will always be thankful for. He bought me ALL the books I needed for my studies that semester: the text books and the reference books.  Crazy? perhaps. I bet they were no cheap.  Also, I remember he told me something like: now you have all what you need for your studies,  you cannot quit this semester.

At the time I was studying Electronic Engineering at ULSA. The first semester was very hard for me. It is the only semester I remember some part of the schedule:  Monday, Wednesday and Friday my mornings were full: 7-9 Physics, 9-11 Calculus and 11-13 Algebra. Of course I had other lectures at the afternoon, and on Tuesday and Thursdays. But that triplet was unforgettable for me.

I must confess that my Dad did the correct and very intelligent thing getting me the books, because I recall that more than once, when I came back home after that triplet I was ready to quit. But then I looked to the books he bought me, they  REALLY helped me to pass the courses and I felt supported by them. I must acknowledge I also had a very GREAT group of friends 🙂  . But the books played a role in no quitting that specific semester.

Since then, books related to my studies acquire a special meaning. It is as having wise people next to me, explaining me things. Books are just special.

My Dad turn to be an angel in 2011, and still I am digesting his transformation.  In reference to his profession, he was a GREAT civil engineer and passionate learner.  As you might imagine he had a very special library about his profession. We decided to canalise his library so it could support others to learn by spreading knowledge. Some books are actually gems in his field, according to diverse engineers.

My dad was active at the CENAPRED, and we decided they will be at charge of indexing the volumes and canalize them properly.  They just reported us that my Dad donated 746 volumes. Wow! I am so PROUD of my Dad! and very thankful you for this knowledge-addiction that he somehow seed/share/promote with me.

No wonder why I love so much the books in my profession! 🙂 Now, I think I will start to share more about them.

Dad's books donation

Dad's books donation





fulfill a promise

week 13 of 2011
Joensuu, Finland

Main activity: writing, writing and more writing

On April 1st, I fulfill a promise to submit a refurbish article to be reviewed again. I  hope at the end this article will succeed! However, I still have to fulfill other promises… then guess what? back to write 🙂

Ah! believe it or not, I made sometime to read Blink. Well, it is a simple reading that takes few hours. The book is good, no scientific but based in the report of science. The author makes a good job to keep me reading his book, so I like the book. I should also add that read other things besides research feels and makes good!

Another commitment that I fulfill this week  was to be in our meeting at the Museum of Technology on March 28. Wow! I almost do not manage it, as I should take the train at 5:17 am, and I open my eyes at 4:40 am…. phew! but I arrive on-time.  I will write about this project soon !


how much does your soul cost?

It is not a joke or matter of moral values. But through several events I had lived in my relative short life, it made me realized the ubiquitous and high level of prostitution we live in. It is not matter if the person is good or bad. It is matter of the price our soul costs when you decide to sell it.

In a western society, everything seems to have a cost-benefit. Honestly, at moments I feel there it is not scape from this game. It is so depressing!!! Human beings are increasing on fear to survive, in fear to assure to have enough, until they are burn out. A fear induced by a system we have self-created.

Shame of us! and what a waste of life.

At the end of the day, we will die (because we all will) and we will not take anything with us. At our deathbed the only memories that will matter are: how many smiles we share and we lived, how many hugs, how many sun shines, how many thanks, the memories of the people we helped and who helped us, how much life we lived and conquer, and how much life we waste for selling our soul.

I wish we could change this system; I wish each human could find her/his passion. But for changing and for finding a passion, one has to get to know oneself, and few people (apparently) is willing to pay the price. That is a personal decision. — I took my decision long ago. My mind has to be harmonized with what I feel and do. Otherwise, I do not function, but still I need to learn A LOT. Anyway, let’s see how this life – game evolves.

The next video I love it; it gives me hope that not everybody sells her/his soul

dreams come true: never let go!

Before I went to Africa I saw two videos from TED (I am a BIG fan of TED), which have a special influence in my process towards Iringa. Actually they re-enforce some of my inner energy, I admit.

One of those videos is this one: “William Kamkwamba: How I harnessed the wind”

He shows the clear relationship between “want to do it” and “can do it”. Believe in one-self and persistence are KEY elements in any success.

Also it gives me the reminder of the importance of print material, clear diagrams and figures can transcend culture and time.

Let you enjoy the video.

the power of the mind

Opportunities for learning something are always present. Each single moment of our existence can be a learning experience.  Interesting enough it seems it is up to us to make the best out of each opportunity.

As time pass by, I get the impression that most of the learning possibilities that one has are not utilized.  One can be “educated” or trained for something in specific. Actually our economical-social system has built educational institutions, that as far as I understand, offer to individuals the information and training needed to create the “proper” skills to function in our society.

Through the diversity of projects I am right now actively working with besides my own PhD focus (LieksaMyst, SciMyst 2009, Biosphere project,  CS students, etc.) I see and sense continually: we need to learn to listen constantly without loosing our self-confidence. Each one of us is so important, and has an incredible richness inside. When one can exteriorize this richness and connected with others, the results go beyond any expectation.

Then, while listening and putting a bit more of attention in the self, it is possible to realize the importance of the power of the mind.  Actually that is the core of everything we do, as its influence is more relevant and decisive than all the information and training that each one of us can have. Our mind is just incredibly powerful.

What your mind says is the truth and each one of us will act and experience according to it, because that is the truth.  If you mind says you can, you will do it, independently if you have many resources or none, you just know you can do it and you will. If you mind says forget about it, you will give up even if you have all what it is needed to achieve that goal.  Furthermore, our interpretations of our activities and relationships are closely related to what our mind believes.

It is just fascinating, how my mind affects me. As it happens to me, I wouldn’t be surprise it happens to others as well.  What I/you truly believe, it is what it is, but not necessary is what it really is. One needs to be open enough and listen carefully to realize there are different options, nothing is static.

 The power of the mind is unlimited, and I attempt to say personally under-use. In several cases it is controlled by external individuals  (e.g. “brain washing”) or habits. But it does not mean we can’t have access to it and shape it to our will. At the end our mind is ours.

each flame is unique and powerful