Category Archives: edtech

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pay attention to context: from gamification to pleasurize

Week 6, 2012
Joensuu, Finland

The first time I heard about gamification was with the work of Jane McGonigal and later in a video of Jesse Schell, I even have read about this new system of evaluation relating grades to experience points.

McGonical and Schell are leaders on the arena of game design. Schell’s book, The Art of Game design, in my humble opinion is a gem. However, in regard to the topic of gamification, I have my doubts. I do not find the gamification arguments convincing. My impression is that the proponents of gamification are losing the point of games, play-space and real life. Myself, I subscribe to those individuals who think that gamification sounds like a  disguise of a behaviorist conditioning of everyday activities for competitive societies.

The reason I am writing about this topic is because a friend of mine, Javi, wrote about gamification, and an interesting exchange of ideas emerged. He put me to think when he wrote that: gamifiation is a trend, supported with the idea that marketing agencies want to utilize game design techniques but they do not really know how, specially with a critical mass of players and a new generation coming.

Of course Javi gave me food for the thought, specially when I think on a new generation which is used to reality shows and having all pervasive….

In order to reply to Javi’s comment I watch the video he suggested me:  The Pleasure Revolution: Why Games Will Lead the Way by Schell (embedded below).  The actual reflection of Schell makes more sense to me than the earlier explanation of gamification. Schell bases his analysis on the positive psychology and context.  He changes his focus from gamification to pleasurize or improved motivational design.  To me, as you can imagine from the title of my dissertation hypercontextualize games, I found more common ground with the actual reflection of  Schell than in earlier talks. Perhaps more posts about the topic will emerged.

My conclusion, at this moment, from my talk with Javi is: yes marketing strategies will change. They must change in order to survive. I still think that gamification might not be the way. However, I think we will be finding more ARG and transmedia activities than earlier. Nevertheless, whatever is the new marketing path,  CONTEXT will be its key concept and resource.

To the time!

it matters what you discover

Week 6, 2012
Joensuu, Finland

Preparing a lecture is actually challenging.  For me, the defiance is also personal because I enjoy to learn and I often dislike to be sitting in a lecture room.

On Monday night, a friend of mine,  Alia,  post a link to Noam Chomsky interview:  The purpose of Education.  Often I discover something when I listening to Chomsky, and this talk is not an exception. One of the multiple things that call my attention in this talk is: the idea of education that promotes enlightenment. My own path as a learner has been a bumping process of searching, exploring, trying and reflecting.  I am also in congruence that the technology is neutral.  Oh well, better listen to the talk.

From the last comments Chomsky mention an anecdote that help me to harmonize myself on how to prepare the courses: “what it matters is what YOU discover”

organizing posts

Week 5, 2012
Joensuu, Finland

After deciding to stick to this blog, one thing I want to achieve is to organize its posts. When I started boggling I was clueless of my own posts: how would they look like?, about what would I write?, which one will be my style?, etc. Consequently, the idea to organize posts was not even contemplated.

To my surprise but sometimes I require to find something I have posted and to find it is tricky. I am bad with keywords, writing titles, well I am not good on writing in general (as I have complain so much).  Nevertheless, it will be useful to find a way to organize myself, and keep on using the technologies we profess are “good for learning”.  So, for some time I have been thinking how to organize the blog, I did sketches, lists, but I haven’t implement a thing. However, as this spring I will be given some lectures and I want to use my blog as part of my memoir of this learning process then I need to organize my blog now.

In this weekend I put hand on organizing my blog. These are the steps I followed:

  1. I found a good link explaining the difference between category and tags.
  2. As I had been thinking in keywords for a long time now, so after the previous step I  wrote a table with the keywords I though will be relevant.
  3. I went through my existent 167 posts and label them according to the table.
  4. While labeling I discover some keywords I should use which were no there, and others which I do not want to use in the future.

The process, besides to take time and energy, was actually productive in diverse ways:

  • I research myself.
  • I discover many blogs are only of bla, bla, bla, bla (~babbling). Seeking for comfort, I believe. I want those to be improve somehow.
  • I saw myself over time. It is amazing to see how time passes by fast and we learn to think/walk/talk so slowly.
  • It got some kind of “framework” for future blog activity.
  • My research and my blog are extensions of me.

My blog is inspired on some mothers’ blogs. My research is kind of my abstract baby. It is clear for me that my abstract baby cannot be blog exactly the same way as mothers document the life of their offsprings. But both type of babies have a developing process, and trigger experiences that can be shared. Blogging is a way of sharing and documenting. Let’s see how it goes the 2012 wave of this blog!

The result of this work is in the following two lists: categories and tags.

PS. From now on, I do not think to review again as I did this time all the previous posts…. no time for it.

south korea amusement parks

Week 4, 2012
Joensuu, Finland

Oh, my playful me! As much as I enjoy learning, traveling, discovering, being in the nature,….  I also like amusement parks. 🙂 Actually, I should write a post of my last trip to Disney, even if it was some years ago. It was AWESOME! I traveled with my mom (only she and I), I got an overdose of Mickey Mouse while I was having a great time 😉 I played all what I could play! and my mom was my accomplice in the whole thing! So cool!  🙂

However, this post aims to add publicly two destinations into my wishing list of amusement parks that I would like to visit.  I foresee that sooner than later I will be visiting Korea.

The first park is the 4D Life Park, which it  utilizes – apparently – creatively the digital technology. Playing with light and sound is something SO appealing for me, interactivity, images, all those special effects…. (thanks Teemu for the info!)   Yes, a place I want to experience! .  Second, and because I would be already visiting Korea, I should drop by Robotland.

It feels as if future is meeting our present, strange!

are we making the correct questions? (sequel)

In a previous post I was focusing myself on one specific question. However, today, while preparing my lecture on mobile learning I read an inspiring post from Cameron D. NormanAsking if Technology Can Reinvent Education is the Wrong Question. I recommend to read the post!

Questions are fundamental for comprehend a phenomena or a situation. Questions help us to think. To make the proper questions is not easy. For me, the question experts are 3 years old, who are passionately discovering and researching our world, learning from it. However, due to different reasons, which I will not reflect upon right now, our capability to make questions is greatly diminished.

Once in grad-school, I heard that a fundamental characteristic in research is to make questions. I see it as re-connecting with my 3 years old me, but surrounded by considerable more information.

Now, I assume that a difference between a 3-years old (I am fan of them) and an ‘adult’  should be to promote  a critical question process. A process involving reflection and thinking. Perhaps, making questions might be more difficult than to find the answers, however enriching.

Questions help to think. Thinking is fun, as it is time demanding and energy taking. 🙂

Now a cartoon, which matches my mini-reflection of today. If someone who does not read Spanish read this post, the translation of the cartoon is bellow.



Up-left: Intelligent buildings
Up-middle:Intelligent mobile phones
Up-right: Intelligent autos
Down-left: Intelligent appliances
Down-middle: I say…. Wouldn’t be better to invest more in education….
Down-left: …. and have more intelligent people?