Category Archives: proyect

2016:01 – January’s review

Week 5
Joensuu, Finland

Since 2001 we,  Kai and I,  create a motto for the starting year.  Usually this motto is related to our current present and dreams. This year’s motto is: Discipline to Focus.

2016 motto’s is really a NEED to achieve for myself. Thus, in this year I am actively monitoring how I am getting DISCIPLINE. It is CHALLENGING for me!!! but let’s do it!

Also, in this 2016 I start to follow the youtube channel of Santiago Zavala. I got the recommendation to see this channel from Jorge Zavala, who I met at the  Red Global meeting last October. It turns out that yesterday Santiago also stressed on reviewing the month’s goals.

Honestly, my personal process is not as structured yet to have clear monthly goals. No idea if it will reach that level of structure one day. Nevertheless, I do have a “wishing list” or “dreams”, and within my control chaos eventually everything will be processed as monthly goals. Lets be honest, to organize my natural chaos requires a conscientious effort, and simultaneously I want to keep being myself. I do not want to get that disconnected as when I finalize my PhD.  So, one step at the time.

So, what happen in January:

– I start new habits, e.g. cleaning up. Look my work computer, first time EVER is that clean!!! (note for the files: only exception of this level of cleanness is when a computer is new)



– At the moment what it needs a HUGE lift is my efficiency. I am using toggl to track my time. (note for the files: toggl is a recommended tool to use)  It is important to know:  how do I invest my time? Because one thing is to have a “feeling” or “believe” about how one uses one’s time, and other completely different how the time is used.

So in January I recorded that I worked: 146 hrs. That is OK!

But the efficiency of those hours are in doubt. This is a clear goal of improvement in February.

January's time

At the moment it feels back as being at PhD student.

To grow up is PAINFUL!

Letter 2 of 104

Week 2
Joensuu, Finland

The second letter, from the 104 I will sent, is posted. I successfully accomplish the two letters of this week! hurrah!!! 🙂

While placing the stamp on this envelop, I decide to collect the stamps in this blog. Honestly, since I live in Finland, I learn to appreciate the art embedded in the stamps. In my previous post, I aimed to include in the photo the teddy bear stamp, but it does not look so good. Thus, now, I will explicitly take a photo of them.

The following stamp I bought it in 2012, when Helsinki was the World Design Capital. Posti (the Finnish post office), offered a set of stamps entitled  Future City. There was an open competition for selecting the stamps of the Future City set, which received 1422 submissions and and only eight were selected by a jury (information taken by the Postimerkkisuunnittelukipailun voittajat). The stamp used for my second letter is one of the selected ones.

Stamp designed by Varpu Kangas

Stamp designed by Varpu Kangas

Letter 1 of 104

Week 2
Joensuu, Finland

Despite I am trying to do not promised anything anymore, it is hard  to reject very attractive proposals from a 6 years old lady. So now, I will write her twice a week 🙂 . Anyway, it is alight with my goal of this year.

So, the first letter  sent under the beautiful -20C weather. Oh man!

Letter 1 of 104

Letter 1 of 104

short-film competition in SciFest 2012

Week 9, 2012
Joensuu, Finland

Many things are happening and seeding the seed of some others, which triggers my inner with different emotions and thoughts collapsing me in a chaos. Consequently I can get frozen in order to write good – and fast – sentences for my blog. In few words, I am processing life and lacking behind blogging. Need to find a balance on this! 🙂

However today I really want post about the SciFest’s World-Wide Short Film Competition about Energy.  We start to brainstorm about the film competition sometime in November 2011, I recall. Now it is a reality. Honestly, I am very curious to see what people will submit in the competition?

Also I am learning that spread the word is not an easy thing. Marketing people really have a big job at front of  them.

Then, wondering how many Finnish and foreign videos the competition will get. Also of which type? as the videos can be made with friends, parents, children or by oneself. The only requisite is to use a mobile phone and one’s creativity! Share your ideas with us : )

CFP Short Film Competition

CFP Short Film Competition

If one gets intrested in the call, here is the PDF of the call of participation.